adoption - finding your footing

3 Questions To Ask When Creating Your Child's Holiday Visitation Schedule

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There are a number of decisions that parents need to make when it comes to separation or divorce. One such decision is the holiday visitation schedule. This can be a contentious topic, even for ex-partners who’re on good speaking terms. To ease the tension and come up with the best schedule for all, consider the three questions below. Do You and Your Ex-Partner Share Religious Beliefs? According to one study, 31% of married Americans have interfaith relationships. Read More»

Going Through A Divorce? 4 Steps To Help Ease The Transition For Your Kids

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Divorce can be extremely difficult for children. They may be left to wonder how the divorce will affect them. While your legal team will take care of the paperwork, it’s up to you to make sure that your children’s emotional needs are taken care of. Children have an easier time dealing with divorce when both parents work together to create a healthy environment for your kids. Here are four steps you and your spouse can take to make sure your child’s emotional needs are taken care of. Read More»

3 Ways To Help Your Children Through A Divorce

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Divorce brings about a whole whirlwind of emotions. At times, you end up getting wrapped up in your own problems and forget that your children are going through the same fears, anxieties and stresses that you are. To make sure your little ones get through the process as unscathed as possible, here are a few tips you can implement into your everyday life. Spend time talking with your children to understand any concerns they might have. Read More»