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What You Need To Know About Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

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Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a process that’s designed to help people get out from under crushing debts. In particular, the process is intended for folks who fear they have no hope of ever paying down their debts, even if their obligations were restructured. If you’re curious about whether it might be an option for you, here are some things every Chapter 7 bankruptcy services provider will tell their clients. Liquidation Read More»

Custody Without Marriage: What You Should Know

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When it comes to ending a relationship where children are involved, one of the most difficult parts is dealing with custody. When you are not married, custody can be more difficult to deal with. In some circumstances, the mother of the children assumes the children will automatically go to her, with the father having to pursue custody. While this is common, it is not always the case. Here are some things to know about custody when the parents are unmarried: Read More»

Interested In The Use Of A Trust For Your Estate? Here Are Some Basics

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One of the main goals of estate planning law services is to avoid sending your estate – or the majority of it – through probate once you are gone. That way, the vast majority of the wealth you accumulated during your lifetime will pass directly to your heirs, instead of being eaten up in taxes and fees by the state. Trusts are one of the main ways that you can avoid probate. Read More»

Don't Forget To Equitably Divide These Things During A Divorce

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The division of your marital assets is one of the biggest steps to go through when you and your spouse are divorcing, but it’s easy to be so focused on cash and large-value assets that you neglect some other things. In many cases, these forgotten things can have a significant amount of value, even if they don’t immediately come to mind. It’s important to make a list of these items and report their value to your divorce lawyer. Read More»

Parting Ways? 4 Steps That Will Help You Through Your Divorce

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If you’re going to be filing for divorce, it’s time to start thinking about the process. There are a lot of details that go into a divorce and you’ll need to be prepared for all of them. Here are four steps you need to take now that you’re facing a divorce. Listen to Your Attorney When it comes to negotiating a fair divorce settlement, the most important thing you can do is listen to your attorney. Read More»