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Why Early Motions Are Often Critical In A Criminal Defense

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The image of criminal cases from television, movies, and novels often centers on a buildup to a big piece of testimony or closing statements. In reality, the early stages of a case are usually where a defendant’s best chances are. Particularly, a criminal defense lawyer may move for the court to do something that ends or significantly changes the case. Early motions may make a difference on these four fronts. Read More»

Custody Fights And Divorce: What To Know

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When a divorce involves minor children, parents can expect to resolve several issues. Custody should be decided first because visitation and child support are usually based on custody. Find out more below. Kitchen Table Agreements When a couple can decide on important divorce issues among themselves, it’s known as a kitchen table agreement. This is the very best way for couples to divorce. Parents know what is best for their children and can decide on custody themselves. Read More»

Auto-Accident Law And How It Plays A Role In Court Cases

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A vehicular accident can cause irreparable damage to your car, mental and physical stress, and monetary loss. Auto-accident law dictates that certain protocols must be followed prior to being granted punitive damages. A Driver’s Duty Each person who actively drives on a public roadway has a duty to follow the traffic laws that have been mandated. This duty includes driving at a safe speed, obeying signs and signals, and yielding to other drivers and pedestrians. Read More»

Long-Distance Divorce: How A Divorce Lawyer Can Help

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Long-distance relationships are notorious for being difficult and stressful. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that the same can be said for long-distance divorces. Unfortunately, long-distance divorces are far more common than many people realize. One reason for this is that many people often feel the desire to start over fresh in a new town after deciding to end their marriage. Another possible cause of long-distance divorces is that people are unable to keep their marriage going when one spouse has to move to another city for work. Read More»